Wednesday, August 27, 2008


What the F**K is wrong with us??!! I just don't understand the nature of all this fighting amongst ourselves! What are all the leaders doing? Fighting around like small kids. BALIK la you all! You all don't deserve to lead us! the PEOPLE are just tired of all this ruckus! I AM TIRED of all this ruckus. OUR country started off as a unified nation of multi races and now? We are still a nation but not a unified one anymore. The SHELL or the 'what we think the world sees us' as a unified nation.

We are just gonna blow up and we are just a ticking time bomb! What is with all this races bullsh*t?! I am born and bred in this country and I am one with this country! Go home? Where is home? MY HOME IS MALAYSIA and not anywhere else! What the F*ck are you leaders doing? If you wanna fight take it outside and not drag is RAKYAT in with all your bullsh*t!

I never once say that I am of a specific race, I always claim myself as a Malaysian. I speak the manglish, I eat the local food. I LOVE my Jalur Gemilang. I even have one in my car on my dashboard! I watch my local football team Selangor play! I would die for my country and no where else! I have etch the name Malaysian in my heart and mind! HOW AM I NOT MALAYSIAN ENOUGH? F*CK YOU ALL!!! I am just so so so tired of this f*cked up situation!

I want a leader to listen and speak like a professional and lead us by example and not speak like a twat and show us the dark and ugly side of you. THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK YOU DIMWEED!

1 comment:

zhunxen said...

hey dun la have racial discrimination here!!